Bioresonance: Funny question, but “How clever is our wee?!” As it turns out – VERY! Read on to find out why…… Bioresonance is a therapy working on the energetic frequencies within the body. It works by identifying and eliminating burdens and disturbances, and then fine tuning the different systems so the body is working at […]
Antidotes to Stress Stress is something we all feel at times, especially when dealing with change, life challenges and the unexpected. A little pressure is not always a bad thing, it can motivate us and help us focus on something that needs our attention. How we manage stress can make a big difference to our […]
Sending you the light of the golden dawn… I start most of my days walking under a night sky and slowly, with each step, the night grows into day. I’m not really a morning person so its often a great effort to drag myself out in the dark that feels like the middle of […]
This is what I tell our young mindful superstars who join us at our MindFUNesssessions. Their little faces perk up and they naturally respond with excited anticipation. Their open hearts and curious minds are ripe for learning this potentially life-changing and life-enhancing skill. If only we could stay with this way of being as we […]