This is what I tell our young mindful superstars who join us at our MindFUNesssessions. Their little faces perk up and they naturally respond with excited anticipation. Their open hearts and curious minds are ripe for learning this potentially life-changing and life-enhancing skill. If only we could stay with this way of being as we […]
Some years ago a very good friend asked if I would like to join her on a mindfulness course. I had been practising yoga for two years and had already felt the benefits of finding stillness. I was intrigued and decided that I’d be brave and join her on this adventure. Having heard a little […]
“What we do now, and in the next few years, will profoundly affect the next few thousand years.” David Attenborough, already considered a saint by some, made this prophesy at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this year. The once upon–a–time, slow moving, ‘not-yet’ impact of climate change, now has a sudden urgency of […]
YOGA, HEART HEALING AND THE JOURNEY TO SELF Yoga, I found much to my surprise took me on a journey to myself. Like I said this was absolutely not expected, I began yoga to take my attention away from my emotional pain and to quieten my mind and still the traumatic flashbacks I was […]