Put some time aside for yourself. We believe that self care is imperative, not only to sustaining ourselves but for us to be able to put our best selves forward.

If you are unable to visit us in person, we have created virtual retreat experiences for you enjoy. It is also a great way to get to know our crew a little more.

Find yourself a comfortable position and allow yourself to heal in any way you need. Please ensure you are not operating any machinery whilst listening to any of these recordings.

What is compassion?

In this video, Helen from Seeds of Compassion explores what this word means and the different flows of compassion.



Why do we need compassion?

This video helps us to understand why we might find things difficult by sharing a bit about our tricky minds and the challenges of life.



The three emotional systems

          Drive, threat and soothe. Learn more about why the balance between these systems is important.



Soothing Rhythm breathing exercise 

A simple exercise you can use to help your nervous system to feel soothe and calm.




Somatic relaxation with Kay

This week’s offering is a short somatic relaxation audio to support your nervous system to pause, reset and recharge.  This can be done anytime of the day for a breather, time out or on an evening to help with relaxation and sleep.



Yoga wind down session with Jules

Prepare yourself for sleep or deep relaxation with this 15 minute gentle wind down yoga session.



Distant reiki healing by Sarah

Reiki is a gentle and effective way to treat yourself holistically. This ancient Japanese healing technique draws on the universal life force energy to promote harmony and balance for the mind, body & spirit.
Reiki has many health benefits, including better sleep, improved mood, and pain relief. Reiki helps your body return to a state of deep relaxation, which allows it to heal from damage brought on by stress, depression, injury, or disease.
During this time you may wish for reiki healing to be sent to yourself, a loved one, family member or a friend.
Please send Sarah an email info@acornwellness.co.uk with the full name of the person who you feel would benefit from this sacred healing during this time, with their consent. No other information is required.
If the person the reiki is been sent too can make time for themselves on this day, during this time, this will enhance the connection and healing.
Sacred Reiki Healing will be sent on a Tuesday at the same time each week. You are encouraged to keep hydrated, and if possible make yourself comfortable in a quite, peaceful space during this time.
This video clip provides you with a brief introduction to the benefits of reiki and how Sarah prepares for distant reiki healing.

Create your own Self Love Mantra by Kay

Mantras are an effective tool for fostering change in your mind, body and behaviour.  Unless we think, do and act differently we’ll continue repeating the same outcomes.  Coming into loving relationship with yourself softens you.  It not only benefits your wellbeing but also those around you because as you give love to yourself, fill yourself up, you start to have more energy, time, understanding and love to share with others.

Mantras, statements we say to ourselves repetitively for a short time, ideally each day, help change neural pathways, change how we think and therefore how we perceive ourselves, others, the world and also how we act.

Mantras can be a pathway to change … IF, they resonate.

Picking a mantra out of a book or adopting one that someone else has created for you may feel wrong.  If we don’t fully click with the sentiment it won’t work.  That is why creating your own is so impactful.  So, how do you do it?

Think about a thought or behaviour you’d like to change – e.g. I have no time for myself
Reconfigure into a positive – reverse the narrative – e.g. I have time for so many other people or plans I clearly have choice as to how I schedule my time
Write the mantra (new intention) on a post it note – e.g. I choose how I spend my time and a portion of this is time I choose for me
Stick it on your bathroom mirror.
Repeat the mantra 3 times twice a day (after brushing your teeth is a good time) for a minimum of 4 weeks, ideally 6 weeks
Feel, think and EMBODY the change

Let us know how you get on.  Remember this is experimentation and curiosity – if the mantra doesn’t feel right change it and start again.

With love.  Kay @anotherlogonthefire @acornretreat



Yoga – the union of mind, body and soul

Jules has made this wonderful 15 minute classic flow yoga practice just for you.

“Finding creativity on the mat to enhance creativity of the mind.”

Please always listen to your body and follow only what you are comfortable.



Meditations for Mums – It’s Real to Feel with Jo

Whatever stage of motherhood we’re at, whether we have tiny ones or teenagers or any age in-between, it’s is tough right now, the pandemic situation has us shouldering A LOT for our children and families, and with that comes some tough emotions, we’re often quick to berate ourselves for these feelings, be it anger, exhaustion, resentment or guilt. It can be hard to remember that these feelings don’t define us, they’re all human feelings, designed to tell us what our bodies, minds and hearts need right now, and they certainly don’t define whether or not we’re a good mum.

This 10 of Zen meditation, called It’s Real To Feel, has been really helpful to me in recent weeks, particularly in helping with accepting that its ok to have ALL the feelings right now, whatever they may be. I hope its useful for you too, Jo X


Increasing self-love for valentines week by Kay

We all have our own unique understanding of love and definition of self-love.  For me self-love is self-allegiance, reparenting and nurturing my inner child.

This week we invite you to think about how you can increase your self-love practices.  Listen to the short video and consider these ideas to get you started:

  • A warm bath
  • Some hot milk with honey
  • A snuggle up on the sofa with your feel good favourite film


Valentine’s week is upon us and supporting ourselves with self-love has never been more essential as the challenging weather persists and lockdown continues.

This week experiment prioritising any activity which increases your peace, comfort and joy and reflect on the benefits.

Please feel free to comment and share your ideas for self-love rituals.  With gratitude.


@acornretreat @anotherlogontheifre

The Power of the Moon by Kay

Are you a luna-tic and luna-lover?Many of us at The Acorn are.If you are not – read on with curiosity and see if this resonates. Kay has written a blog and created a document to help track the cycles of the moon with this short video. For the full blog click here.

Gong Bath with Jules

Jules is passionate about sound as part of wellness. She has created two videos for you. The first one is a brief interview with Katie about what gong is, how it can benefit you and what to expect. The second is a virtual gong experience, delivered from the embrace of The Acorn directly to you, in your own personal space. These videos were created on the Full Moon can be used whenever you feel it would benefit you.

Video interview about gong therapy


Reflection and Gratitude Activity for Thursday’s Full Moon.  Suitable for all ages – children and adults with Kay Turner

Gratitude and taking time to pause and reflect are essential for wellbeing.  This is not about toxic positivity or minimising challenges and suffering of this time.  Instead, it is about taking time to pause, rest, be kind to yourself and reflect on your resilience and how far you’ve come.  The day of the full moon is perfect time for doing this.

Watch the short video first. 

On Thursday take 5 minutes to sit quietly, ground, breathe, soothe and nurture yourself.  Make yourself your favourite warm drink.  Perhaps wrap yourself in a blanket.

Reflect on:

  • what you have achieved, gotten through, coped with over the last lunar month (30th Dec – 28th Jan).  Congratulate yourself and write 3 things down.  Hold them in your heart with gratitude.
  • what you don’t want to keep for the next month – behaviours, patterns, thoughts you’d like to shed.  This will form the basis for your new intentions at new moon.

Remember full moon is not a time for grand action or rash decisions.  It’s a time to take a rest and stabilise yourself into your heart and wellness.

Hope this helps.  Sending you comfort and care.




Morning yoga; gentle wake up and intentions with Julie Cooper

Jules has Kindly created this mini 10 minute flow to help you gentle awaken your body and connect in with mind and soul. Remembering that YOGA means unity of the mind, body and soul. This is perfect for sliding out of bed and gently adjusting the body from its fixed sleep position, to release that static energy and encourage fluidity. Namaste.


Embodied Mindfulness.  Reducing the Stress Response in the Body with Kay

Are you experiencing anxiety, stress, rage, low mood and/or hopelessness?

This short embodied mindfulness exercise takes less than 5 minutes and will
reduce the suffering you are experiencing and will help your nervous system

All you need is yourself.

Listen to the short video.  It is best for someone to lead you through the
exercise the first time you do it.

Breathe in to the mind and bring your thought through the body 3 times.


On the third outbreath magnetise your feet to the floor.

Then notice your pelvis and bottom on the chair.

Put your hand on heart.  Notice and accept your breathing, body sensations
and heart beat as they are.

Kindly witness your body and offer it some compassionate words of support,
such as ‘you’re safe’ ‘I’m here’ ‘I see you’

Do the practice 3 times a day for 3-5 minutes to witness, calm and contain
your mind, body and soul.

If you have any questions get in touch.  It would be lovely to see how this
worked for you.

Watch the video

Kay x

Embodied Mindfulness for Children and Young Adults.  Coping with Feelings by Kay

Do your emotions and feelings overwhelm you?  Are you experiencing anxiety,
anger and stress?

This simple ABC technique will help you.

Start by watching the short video.

When the emotions and feelings start to feel intense – remember to:

A: Anchor

Take your thoughts to your feet, bottom and hips.

Let them feel heavy and connected to the ground and chair if you are sat

B:  Breathe

Breathe in to your mind and then breathe out through the body, down the legs
and out through the soles of the feet.

Do this 3 times.

C:  Contact

Put your hand on your body where the sensation of the emotion most strongly
felt – such as tummy, heart, arms.

As you make contact with your body say calm words, such as ‘may I be calm’,
‘may I be free’, ‘may I be safe’.

Be kind to yourself and empower your self-care using this simple technique

We’d love to hear how you got on.

Watch the video

Kay x

Empowerment and Wellness Creative Activity for Children and Young Adults.
What do adults need to know on how to make the world a better place?

Your voice, your vision, your views matter.  How could the world be?  How do the world, humans and systems need to change?

During lockdown and over the past year I’m sure at some moments you’ve have thought ‘adults are making such a mess of things’ so this activity gives you a chance to be heard.

What you need:

Your genius mind

Your inner knowing

Your joy, passion, gifts and dreams

Pen and paper

An envelope and a stamp or internet access

The activity:
Write a letter describing your vision and views on how to make the world a better place and what adults need to know.  Let you inner fire, genius mind and heart guide you.
Here are some ideas which you might like to write about:  education, school, relationships, how humans communicate, feelings, treatment of the earth and animals, money, the government, mental health, our bodies, religion, police, law, food, love.

When it is complete keep a copy for yourself.  Perhaps talk about it with your family.
Share your ideas.  Send a copy through the post to the Acorn (Acorn Wellness Retreat, Brimham Rocks Rd, Hartwith, Harrogate, HG3 3HB) or share your ideas online using the Your Voice Matters form at www.sacredhuman.co.uk

Thank you for doing this and sharing your vision and amazing ideas.  I will ensure that your voice is heard by the adults and places who need to hear it.




Web of life meditation with Beccy

At this time when we are unable to gather together in circle, this beautiful light-filled meditation is a gift to us all. Make yourself comfortable and settle in to this uplifting exploration of connection.



Tapping meditation for letting go

Join Emma on a beautifully relaxing meditation and tapping practice. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) can support you to find holistic wellbeing by addressing your energetic body and release blockages in your meridians.

Tapping meditation for Letting go

Forest bathing meditation with Katie

Katie is a true lover of the outdoors and uses nature as a tool for healing and wellness. As we journey through the year, there maybe times when we find that we are spending less and less time outside. Staying in touch with nature and being outside in the fresh, wholesome air has many healing benefits for the body, mind and soul.

Even when its raining, it can make us feel so much better to spend even just a few minutes breathing with nature. Make time for yourself to explore some outdoor space. Feel your feet on the ground. Look at the details and patterns of the trees and plants. When we do this it sends calming messages to our brain and tells our whole self we are safe. Walking in the woods when it has rained or is damp has further benefits – the spores released into the air are great for our immune system. Our microbiome improves when being out in nature by giving those good bacteria buddies a little boost.

Please relax and enjoy this woodland walk and meditation and see if the next time you are out in nature, you can introduce some forest bathing tips of mindful walking.



Heart Opening yoga with Beccy

Beccy has been working on building a virtual community and we are thrilled to share that she now has her own app. I will be adding pieces here but if you wish to have access to this please let us know. It is free of charge. To access the app, please follow this link to Beccy website.

For the following meditation it may be useful to have a mat and anything to make you comfortable.



Meditation with Julie Cooper

Jules has been offering yoga, sound, meditation and holistic healing at The Acorn since opening our doors in 2017. She delivers sound baths and yoga classes as well as shamanic journeying.

Give yourself the time and space to listen to a beautiful heart opening meditation.




Sound has been used as a tool for healing and relaxation for many, many years, originally dating back to early civilisations. The physical effect on blood cells in the body has been shown to give strength, whilst the mental impact is renowned for switching on deep relaxation and allowing the body time and space to heal itself.

Find yourself a space to lay down in full comfort and surrender yourself to the healing sounds.



Tapping is an amazing tool for releasing stress, trauma and tension from the mind and body. It is based on the use of the acupressure points and uses a gentle tapping technique to track the body’s energy lines.

Emma has created a beautiful video to guide you through a tapping session.



Heart meditation with Kay

We are blessed to have Kay Turner as part of the Acorn Crew. She is a Wellbeing Coach, Yin Yoga Teacher, a Trainer and Advanced Practitioner in Energy Medicine, Mysticism and Shamanic Healing.Kay will guide you through a beautiful meditation to activate your sacred heart.













If you have been lucky enough to receive this beautiful face treatment with Sarah, then you may well be really missing it during this distancing time. Sarah has created a step by step video for you to enjoy some Daoyin Tao without leaving your home.





As Katie is encouraging all the crew to offer online sources, it is only fair that she too has been brave enough to share a little something…

Sound has always been a playful part of Katie’s life and since being involved in The Acorn, she has seen how it can support people with meditation.

Please enjoy the sounds of the drum and voice, allowing yourself to drift wherever the sounds take you. Trust in your own wisdom – deep healing awaits..











Medicinal Foraging with Natalia

The use of herbs and plants to treat ailments and support health has been a central part of holistic health for many years. Animals often self medicate by eating certain plants at certain times.

Natalia has brought her magic and wisdom to The Acorn and has been delivering inspiring herbal discovery classes for the past two years.

Natalia encourages self connection and a meditative approach to the use of herbs. In the following beautiful videos, she shows the power of these common path side plants and how easily they can be used in our lives.


Please always forage responsibly and be aware of the differences in the plants and your own response to them. if you are unsure of the identification, do not ever risk consuming it.





Please email us with any feedback info@acornwellness.co.uk 

We want to make these tools available for everyone – should you feel the urge to make a donation for the use of them please do. You will find some options on our vouchers section DONATE NOW