What do you offer at The Acorn?
Individual or team coaching and mentoring to untap your true potential.
Leadership development to better support those that look up to you.
Organisational and Cultural development for those that wish to develop a people first organisation
What makes your heart sing?
The top of a mountain or the wonder of nature.
What challenges you?
4 teenage children – everyday
What is your go to wellness tool at the moment?
Long walks and lots of fresh air.
If you could be any animal or thing what would you be?
Gosh …. An otter.. smarter than me, better looking and definitely better swimmers than me.
What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?
Learn to enjoy the moment… don’t always look for the next thing or you will never be content.
Where would you be right now if you could be anywhere and why?
Islands off the west coast of Scotland. So free and clean, at one with nature. It makes me happy being there.
Posted in Getting to know our crew by Acorn Wellness