Sally is our Bioresonance therapist here at the Acorn and she has come up with an offer for those of you who haven’t tried it before. Sally uses a german medical bioresonance machine to identify what causes symptoms within the body. This root cause approach has helped so many people to eliminate illness and gain back good health. Some of the work that Sally has been doing recently is helping people with auto-immune disorders such as lupus and psoriasis, and also horrors like chronic fatigue syndrome. When the body has certain burdens placed on it it can cause the symptoms of dis-ease. Sally also does a lot of work with patients who are experiencing migraines and also acute pain, particularly within the gut and lower abdominal areas. She has specific detox programs for different areas of the body and can work on getting rid of heavy metals, chemicals and pathogens, as well as electromagnetic pollution. If you are feeling under the weather and can’t quite put your finger on why, this is a wonderful cleansing and energising therapy that may help. If you’re feeling great and want to stay that way, this therapy gently removes burdens that may be the triggers for future unwanted symptoms.
Bioresonance works by not only eliminating the burdens from the various systems, but it also reharmonises the frequencies that have been disturbed too (rather like tuning a piano). It’s such powerful work and is fast becoming a mainstream medicine in Germany, France and other forward thinking countries. In an attempt to get Bioresonance better known Sally has an offer on at The Acorn of a 1.5 hour treatment for £95. This offer runs through June, July and August. You can book directly with Sally on 07850 475959 or
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