Izzy is our essential oil guru here at the Acorn! A European leader with Doterra, Wellness mentor and mum of four. She’s passionate about essential oils; their benefits and uses. The healing power of the body and mind are so closely interlinked that they can’t be separated. When we look after our emotional health, it manifests in our physical health. The benefits of the oils can be seen in the overall improvement of the holistic self.
Izzy is also a contribitor of the Nourish your Mind App which is the 1st app of it’s kind. Created by mums – for mums.
Working intuitively with clients using oils, the transformation even in the first session with Izzy is obvious. She told us this is her favourite part! She does work predominantly with working mums, looking for natural ways they can care for their families. A mum of four, she speaks from experience when she helps other mums to find what works for their family. Everyone she works with is looking to de-stress and the oils partner perfectly with that aim to generally help their overall wellbeing and add a vibrancy to life. The oils each have a purpose and Izzy will work with you on which ones will benefit you the most.
Make sure to keep track of our latest events to find the next time you can have a consultation with Izzy to find out how oils can work to enhance your wellbeing!
Posted in Wellness and mindfulness by Acorn Wellness